Retail Chain Fantastico, Sofia, Geo Milev
Bronlight designed and executed the lighting project for the 40th store in Fantastico’s chain.
For the control of the lighting in the store Bronlight used DYNALITE systems, which has proved its efficacy with reducing the consumption with more than 50%.
LED luminaries PHILIPS used in the main hall:
- Downlights with RAL integration for the specific zone and with specific optics for optimizing the ratio light-vision;
- Lighting Maxos LED 7000;
- LЕD lighting for the facade;
- Lighted ceilings from the type – Barrisol.
Specific lighting for the product zones:
- Perfumery area, designed and made with LED modules and PHILIPS drivers;
- Gondolas zone was made using DALI LED Drivers with the potential for additional power savings of 25%;
- Meat products – application of specific LED products by PHILIPS specially developed for meat lighting, which gives freshness to the meat and meat products;
- Café Area – Innovative Design Lamps “Soufflé” from Modular Lighting Instruments – for more comfortable environment.
Lighting systems in the common areas for staff:
- OccuSwitch sensors and OccuSwitch DALI – single-motion detectors that can dim or switch the lights off when there are no people in certain areas or the intensity of daylight changes.
Client: Fantastico Retail Chain
Date: 12.2016